Achieve Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Goals


You and i have goals, yet we usually fail to achieve them or simply forget all about them. Accountability Buddy offers you the easiest path to success by using a method scientifically proven to work and which can more than double your chances of success.

 A Commitment Contract is a binding legal  agreement that you sign with Accountability Buddy a Swedish corporation to achieve your goals, and should you fail to do so you pay a financial penalty.

 Start by setting realistic and measurable goals, saying you should fit into your old jeans is an example of a bad goal. A better way would be to set the goal of exercising 3 times per week or to loose 1 pound per week.

 If you have a daily goal the penalty could be 50 USD but if it’s a weekly It could be 500 USD. A good rule of thumb is 5-20 % of disposable income, the point of this is that the amount needs to be large enough for you to care, failure means you no longer get Starbucks coffee or that weekly restaurant visit.


“I’ve used this kind of commitment contract several times in the past and it’s worked like a charm. Every week when confronted with the stark choice of whether I want to forfeit $500, I’ve found it easy to forgo dessert and hit the gym.”

  • Ian Ayres; Professor at Yale Law School

    For Example:
    You set a Daily goal of walking 10 000 steps.

 You then set a financial penalty you should pay to us if you were to fail your goal. In this case 50$

You can choose a daily, weekly or monthly custom goal, for the daily goals we will email you once a day asking if you achieved your goal and if you didn't you are legally required to pay the penalty. For the weekly goal we email you once a week on Mondays and for monthly goals we send you an email on the first of every month.

It’s that simple, you don’t need to set up an account or download an app, just tell us your goal and we will do the rest.

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